Profile & Quotations

Factors affecting premiums for Motor Insurance / Car Insurance

  1. Profile of Insured / Registered Owner of the car
  2. Make & Model of the car
  3. Claims history
  4. No Claim Discount (NCD) / No Claim Bonus (NCB)
  5. Certificate of Merit (COM aka “White Card”)
Profile of Insured / Registered Owner of the car
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Driving Experience
  • Occupation

This is the one time where it pays to be older. Generally, if an insured person is older, the premium will generally be lower. But this is only true up to 69yrs old. Once a person passesĀ 70yrs old, insurance premium may start to increase again.

For drivers who is <26yrs old or > 70yrs old, premium are generally higher.


Apparently, different insurer has their own rates for car insurance / motor insurance. Some favour female drivers while others may favour male drivers.

Driving Experience

Basically, since there are no other benchmarks on driving experience, the insurer will base on the Date when the Singapore driving license are obtained / Converted.

For foreigners, Employment Pass holders & Permanant Residents population in Singapore, some insurer DO take into consideration the driving license which the person has obtained from their home country.

This generally helps to lower the car insurance / motor insurance premium.


As for occupation, the broadest definition would be “Indoor” & “Outdoor”.

Indoor – Office worker / work in the company’s premises.
Outdoor – People who needs to travel from place to place in the vehicle they owned.

“Indoor” occupation will pay a lower Motor Insurance Premium than those with “Outdoor” occupation. Further classification of occupations may be required by the insurer.

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